About me

My name is James, I'm a brazilian software developer working with IT since 2009. I hold a BS of Computer Science and a MSc of Software Engineering from UNESP, in São Paulo - Brazil. Currently, I'm working as developer and my interests range from the most trivial programming problems to the study of algorithm complexity analysis and artificial inteligence, but the topic that call me attention is the Web. I am fascinated by the transformations that the Web brought us and the infinite possibilities for the future.

I like to write about all technology subjects, so this space serves to spread, as far as possible, what I write about, contributing in some way with my knowledge.

In addition to the technology, I love talking, reading and writing about pop culture, especially comics and sci-fi. There may also be some texts in this space about these topics, although this is not the main focus.

Welcome to my world. :)